
7 Deadly Sins !

In contrast to our era, medieval ethics had clear boundaries. Thus the medieval man with a kind of code of conduct that clearly states how it should be his act. This coding is based on the one hand, in so-called "Cardinal Virtues", true master keys that enable the exercise of conduct consistent with what is ethically right. On the other hand, the "Deadly Sins" (named as "head" or top of all other sins) are clearly the cradle of all morally reprehensible. This coding moral, although it was made in the Middle Ages has a surprise present, is crossed transversely by a fundamental ethical issue: the possibility of hosting hospitably the "other" neighbor (the one next) as a valid person alone itself. Stated another way to understand human beings who are in front of me, whatever its status as a "valid interlocutor" as an end in itself. As we will see, What really is the moral evil is to understand the "other" as a "media" as an object that can be used for their own benefit, in accordance with the principle of "self-love." Here follows a summary of the definition of each concept, we have relied on an old but enlightening "Dictionary of Theology" (the wording has been altered, the extent and according to ancient Castilian spelling of understanding, likewise have translated some quotes that appear in the original text in Latin)

Deadly Sins

1. The Pride.

It is the principal of the deadly sins. He is the head of "all" the other sins. Recall that for this lack, according to Christian theology, man was expelled from the Garden of Eden. It is a direct offense against God, the sinner thinks he has more power and authority than God. It is generally defined as "inordinate self-love." According to Thomas pride is "an inordinate appetite of his own excellence." It is considered a mortal sin when it is perfect, that is, when you want both self-exaltation that refuses to obey God, to superiors and the law. This is about giving to God is Truth and meaning of existence driver and installed himself as supreme and infallible truth and as a foundation of human action. In the same way, and aloof, applies to the respect and consideration that you must subordinate to the lawfully constituted authorities. Of pride leads to the following misdemeanors:

• The pride: it is the pleasure one feels himself because of the advantages that one has and boasts over others. Also, is the elaborate display of all you can conquer the appreciation and consideration for others.

• The Boast: lack of those who take pains to praise themselves gaily to assert their superiority and their good works. However, it is no sin when it seeks to discredit a slander or taking into view the education of others.

• The Faust is to want to rise above others in dignity overreacting to this, the luxury in dress and personal property, reaching beyond what they allow their budget.

• The arrogance: It is manifested by how imperative it is the neighbor, speaking with pride, stubbornness, and looking with contemptuous tone dismissive air.

• The goal: I want to disorderly rise in honor and dignity as an office or title, only considering the benefits they are annexed, as the fame and recognition

• The hypocrisy: simulation of virtue and honesty in order to conceal the vices or virtues seem not to have.

• The presumption: is relying too much on himself, on his own lights, to persuade oneself that is capable of performing better than any other certain functions, certain jobs that exceed their strength or their capabilities. This failure is very common because they are very rare which is not fooled by his self-esteem, those who strive to know themselves to form a correct opinion about their abilities and talents.

• The disobedience: the violation of the precept of a superior. It is mortal sin when such infringement arises from the formal rejection of the superior, for such contempt is insulting God Himself. But when the violation of the precept is not born of contempt but of another cause and considering the matter and the circumstances of the case, can be considered a misdemeanor.

• The persistence: is to stay attached to the trial itself, however the knowledge of the truth or more likely the comments of those who think like the person in question.

The radical remedy against pride is humility. According to Christianity, "God crushes the proud and lifts up the lowly (Luke 14)

2. Sloth (laziness).

This is the "metaphysical" of the Deadly Sins as refers to the inability to accept and take charge of existence as such. It also causes the most problems in the description. The simple "laziness", even the "entertainment", do not constitute a foul. We preferred, therefore, the concept of "sloth" or "heartburn." Taken in its own right is a "sadness of mind" that separates us from the spiritual and divine obligations, because of the obstacles and difficulties that they encounter. Under the name of spiritual and divine things means everything that God prescribed for the attainment of eternal salvation (salvation), and the practice of Christian virtues, the observation of these precepts, the duties of each, exercises of piety and religion. Designing for such things as sadness, shelter volunteer, in the heart, listlessness, aversion and dislike them, it is deadly sin.

Taken strictly as a mortal sin is directly opposed to charity we owe to ourselves and the love we owe God. Thus, if deliberately and with full consent of the will, we are sad or feel reluctance of the things that we are obliged, for example, forgiveness of injuries, deprivation of carnal pleasures, among others, the sloth is a grave sin because it is directly opposed to the love of God and of ourselves.

Considered in order to produce effects that, if the sloth is such that it makes you forget the necessary and essential to eternal salvation, notably neglecting the obligations and duties or if it make us wish that no other life to live with impunity delivered passions, it is indeed a mortal sin.

Are effects of laziness:

• The disgust and aversion to it that makes this is omitted or practice with notable defect.

• the inconsistency in the well, the continued unrest and indecision of character which varies, often, of desires and purposes, decided that as soon gives up something like it, without running anything.

• A certain timidity and cowardice by which the crushed in spirit does not dare to put to work and abandons himself to inaction.

• The desperation of view that salvation is impossible, so far from thinking that the man in the media get unchecked comes to their own passions.

• The idleness, the escape of any work, love the comforts and pleasures.

• The inordinate curiosity or itching of knowing, seeing, hearing, which is almost exclusively the activity of the sloth.

Basically, the sloth is identified with the "boredom." But not with this boredom away goal that makes us one thing, a situation or a particular person. Rather, it refers to the "boredom" that we feel in front of the whole existence, facing the fact of its existence and all that that implies. Life requires us to work, effort to act on what should be an effort that is neither free nor easy. When we are unable to assume this cost (this work) and know what we 'do' in existence, human life becomes a vacuum that causes me "horror" becomes a vacuum and which I fear constantly escaped almost without realizing it. In fact 'boredom' originally means "ab granary" (fear of emptiness). We said that sloth is the most metaphysical of the cardinal sins park involves not afford the cost of life, constantly escaping what to do, not knowing what to.

3. Lust.

Have traditionally been understood lust as "inorditatus delectationis appetitus venerae" ie as an inordinate appetite for erotic pleasures. The Christian tradition subdivided this sin in simple fornication, rape, abduction, incest, sacrilege, adultery, sin against nature, understanding under the latter species, pollution voluntarily, sodomy and bestiality. Lust would always be a "mortal sin" because it directly involves the use of another neighbor, as a means and an object for the satisfaction of sexual pleasures.

There is in this sin two great principles at stake: the true meaning of love and purpose of sexuality. Christianity, and much of the Greek classical tradition, especially, mean by "love" something very different from what I understand the contemporary world. The concept of love is of central importance in Christianity. Indeed God is identified with love. For the Christian love is "glut", the ability to give and give, "caritas", in short: charity, one of the three theological virtues. Thus love implies a donated, one given on the other, for others. Recall the second part of the one commandment that announces the New Testament: "... love your neighbor as yourself." Christian love, and also the Greek, is, thus, originally detached from any kind of sexuality, including the embodiment. The erotic is a consequence, a plus completely dispensable. The near-synonymy between love and sex is a product of modernity. The "make love" as a synonym for "sex" is the best example of this. Lust would then be totally contrary to loving God and understood in Christian terms. The sin of lust does not consider the other as a "person" valid and valuable in itself, as an end in itself for which we would have to give us. The other becomes an object something that satisfies the stronger of the body satisfaction, sexual pleasure. Moreover, the very subject they are committing a lewd act itself is converted to an object, oblivious or suspend your own dignidad.Por other hand, for Christian thought sexuality has a predetermined purpose, unique and clear. The reproduction and perpetuation of the species. This clear purpose also gives meaning to human existence ordered their action in view of God's love. Lust, however, which does not view the purpose of reproduction and that it loses all meaning, becomes an action basin, nonsense, that somehow nadifica away the man and the Being of God.

4. Greed.

Christian theology explains the sin of greed as "immoderate love of riches," is messy, continues, "because love and desire is legitimate wealth with honest purpose in the order of justice and charity, for example, if you want them to cooperate more effectively with the glory of God, to assist our neighbors and so on. The crime of greed is not wealth or possession but immoderate attachment to them, "that burning passion to acquire or retain what we possess, that will not stop to unfair means, the sordid economy that keeps the treasures without using them even for legitimate causes, such disordered affection you have for the goods of the earth, with the result that it is all about the money, and seems to live for nothing but to get it. "

"Greed, therefore, is a mortal sin as long as the miser loves so wealth and paste your hearts to them who is willing to offend God or seriously violate justice and charity owed to others, or himself."

In greed clearly are elements common to all sins. On the one hand, the miser loses the true meaning of its action to put in what should be a means, in this case the collection and retention of wealth. What matters to Christianity is that the neighbor receives, justice, charity that we all owe to the needy. Greed is directly contrary to charity as a "no give", even more so to deprive others of their property to have more to retain. On the other hand, to deprive the other of his property, often with bad art, and retain these assets to the detriment of another, is also denying the other person in his capacity of end in itself. It is used to meet through the accumulation of wealth, the principle of self-love.

They are "children" or misdemeanors of greed, fraud, fraud, perjury, theft and theft, stinginess, usury, etc.

5. FOOD?.

As "immoderate use of food for life" is defined this sin. The theological definition is complemented by that "pleasure and delight that accompanies the use of food, there's nothing wrong, on the contrary, the effect of a special providence of God for man to more easily comply with the duty of his own conservation. Is prohibited, however, eat and drink their fill for that one pleasure that is experienced. " Thus, Latino religiosity specify these faults: eating too soon or when you should abstain from eating, such as fasting days marked by the Church when eating dishes that are beyond economic the person when you drink or eat at the expense of the health of the person when as greed or lust for extreme manner of beasts. Gluttony becomes sin in the following cases:

· When the pleasure of eating only reach the theft or the family is reduced to begging.

· When the pleasure in eating is reduced to a single purpose and role in life.

· When is a cause for grave sins like lust and blasphemy.

· When transgresses the precepts of the Church in the days of fasting and abstinence from certain foods.

· When voluntarily causes vomiting to continue the enjoyment of food.

· When auto record inferred damage to health or suffering to himself and those around him.

In addition to the traditional theology that, gluttony is one aspect that must not be considered. Gluttony is the physical manifestation of a deeper and more meaningful appetite. That falls into the temptations of greed, not only want to consume food. Wants, somehow, eating the entire universe. Assimilate, endorse, everything outside, reducing everything else himself. In this sense the greed is mimics closely with lust, it is placed above the other, reduce, objectify and make it yours. Thus the "greedy" is transformed in the single referral center, in accordance with the principle of self-love. The assimilate, reduce the universe in general and the particular neighbor in yourself is the most radical negation of the other.

6. Anger.

"Appetitus inordinatus vindictae" ie, a "disordered desire for revenge." "That was exciting," continued the Latin definition-in us by some real or alleged offense. It requires, therefore, that anger is sin, that the appetite for revenge is disordered, ie contrary to reason. If not involved in this mess will not be charged as sin. " From this it is apparent that there would be anger "good and laudable" if it exceeds the limits of prudent restraint and aims to suppress the evil and restore good. "The appetite for revenge is disordered or contrary to reason, and therefore anger is sin, when you want the punishment to which he does not deserve, or if you want higher than deserved, or that it contravenes the order without observing legitimate, or without resolving to end because that is the preservation of justice and the correction of the guilty. There is also a sin in the implementation of revenge, but this is legitimate, when you are swayed by certain movements immoderate passion. Thus, the anger turns into grave sin because it violates the charity and justice. They are sons of Wrath: Machiavellianism, the outcry, outrage, contumely, slander and strife. "

From the above definition it is clear that anger is the use of direct force or verbal transgresses the limits of restitution of a legitimate offense. Violence, defined as the use of force, if excessive, is clearly a reversal of the other. In murder, for example, that does not correspond to self-defense, evidently intended nadificación other. In leguaje by the offense or insult, there is also a desire to harm or even revocation of the other.

It is important to note that the use of force against others is not always a moral evil. It should be understood as a lesser evil if the purpose for which is done is not just the cancellation of the other legitimate purposes but pursues the preservation of life itself or third parties. Such is the case of "legitimate war" that seeks to avoid his own death or self-deprivation of liberty at the hands of an invader, self-defense. The use of force is also justified when trying, with this, the good of others, thus avoiding a greater harm than the pain that is violated.

Anger becomes a great sin when our instinct of destruction is beyond all rational moderation, overflowing all bounds dictated by a just sentence, you want only the absence of others.

7. Envy

Envy is defined as "displeasure, grief, sadness, conceived in the mind, the good of others, as this well is regarded as detrimental to our interests or our glory: Tristia alteriusin bond quantum est et diminutivum propiae gloriae Excellentiae"
In this way, to know if envy is a moral failing, it is necessary to investigate the real reason that causes sadness that feels good possessing against neighbor. Thus envy is not a sin when

· We are saddened by the position, power or material goods reached by those who deserve it and could not misuse that authority causing serious damage to their peers.

· Feel dissatisfaction with his possessions who does not deserve and given that we would give better effect. For example, abounding in riches misusing them: the greedy who do not use their property or for personal gain or for others.

• Other times, we are sad, not so much what the other possesses and the fact that we lack this, if this finding shows us time and lost opportunities and encourages our own sense of improvement.

Envy is a very serious offense, when we bother and distress to such an extent the property or material assets other, we want to see him deprived of those assets legitimately obtained and to which we, by our powerlessness, we have failed to achieve. Thus, this desire to see private property to another can lead us to strive for ways to effectively remove such property or to see, with the use of gossip, that this should not possess what he possesses. Lies, betrayal, intrigue, opportunism and other offenses arising from this grief against the good of others and our own inability to access such property.

The circular arrangement of medieval painting is very rare until the emergence of this painting by El Bosco. We found a central circle surrounded by four smaller circles, representing the top time of death and his final trial right. The bottom circle of hell left represents the tool being a representation of paradise circle. Not surprisingly, the presence of the symbolism surrounding the deadly sins if we consider the medieval moralizing force, always connected, with salvation as the purpose and meaning of human life. In the center of an eye which incidentally is of God In Christ center a erect out of the grave and defeated death is surrounded by an iris that connects us to a sun god who takes the king star of its significance. Around well planned scenes of the seven deadly sins. In a privileged place: anger, dethroning the medieval tradition that puts pride as the first among the sins. Then, from left to right, and labeled in Latin, pride, lust, peraza, gluttony, greed, and, finally, envy. We do not want to hinder the reader's imagination with a description and interpretation of each scene. The images speak for themselves Bosco.

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