
2012 ? End of the World ?

2012 Is the year of the end of the world?

  • It seems the end of the world will be like a rebirth
  • It is stated in videos and writings that came to the world, but not apocalyptic as told in the Bible

For some years been circulating on the Internet, a series of rumors about the supposed end of the world in 2012 in our calendar (between 21 and 25 December of that year), that corresponds to one final cycle of three cycles passed by both the Mayan calendar called the Long Count or Katun.

It is stated in videos and writings that came to the world, not the apocalyptic manner narrated in the Bible, but it seems like a rebirth as written by the followers of this new kind of sectarian belief, "According to the Long Count Calendar of the Maya, on December 21, 2012 is the end of this civilization. Human beings come into a new civilization, which has nothing to do with this. The Mayan people did not mention the cause. One thing is clear: the last day does not mean the arrival of any calamity, instead of this, implies a whole new cosmic awareness and spiritual transition to the new civilization. "

Without offering a clear reason for this conversion, ensure that these claims or predictions stem from their interpretation of the Mayan culture and write "The Mayans predicted thousands of years ago according to his reading of the celestial objects: people who have awakened complete the sacred mission of the "purification of the Earth." According to them, December 21, 2012, human beings enter into a new civilization. By then, all have had their opportunities, perhaps more than one, to reflect on themselves and form their own judgments.. " There is also talk of seven Mayan prophecies are believed to foot the bill for many people and can be read on many websites.

First prophecy

The world of hatred and materialism will end on Saturday 22 December 2012 and with it the end of fear, in this day mankind will have to choose between disappear and thinking species that threatens to destroy the planet or move towards harmonious integration with the whole universe, understanding and becoming aware of everything is alive and that we are part of that whole and that we exist in a new era of light.

Prophecy II

It announced that all the conduct of mankind change rapidly from the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, and that day we saw a ring of fire against the sky, an eclipse was unprecedented in history, by cosmic alignment with center cross the land of almost all the planets of the solar system, is positioned in the four signs of the zodiac, which are the signs of the four evangelists, the four guardians of the throne to star in the Apocalypse of St. John.

Third Prophecy

Maya says a heat wave raises the temperature of the planet, causing climatic changes, geological and social conditions in an unprecedented scale, and an amazing speed, the Mayans say that the increase in temperature will by several factors, one of them generated by man that its lack of harmony with nature can only produce self-destructive processes, others will be generated by the sun to speed up their activity by increased vibration produces more radiation, increasing the temperature of the planet.

Fourth Prophecy

The fourth prophecy said that as a result of increased temperature caused by human anti-ecological behavior and increased activity of the sun, will cause a meltdown at the poles (and recent press release we had a block of polar ice the size of the territory the state of Tlaxcala is located in Mexican territory), if the sun increases their activity levels above normal will have a greater production of solar wind, but massive eruptions from the sun's corona, an increase in the radiation and increased the temperature of the planet.

Fifth prophecy

This prophecy tells us that all systems based on fear is based on what our civilization will be transformed simultaneously with the planet and the man to make way for a new reality in harmony, man is convinced that the universe exists only for him, that humanity is the only intelligent life term, and therefore acts as a predator that exists.

Sixth prophecy

The sixth Maya prophecy says that in the coming years will see a comet whose trajectory will endanger the very existence of man, the Maya saw comets as agents of change who came to set in motion the balance to allow certain structures are processed the evolution of collective consciousness, all things have their rightful place in all circumstances, even the most adverse are perfect for generating understanding of life to develop awareness of the creation, so man has constantly faced with situations unexpected that create suffering, is a way to get to reflect on their relationship with the world and with others.

Seventh Mayan Prophecy

The Maya Prophecy tells of time in which the solar system in its cyclical turning out of the night to dawn will come into the galaxy, says that the 13 years from 1999 to 2012 the light emitted from the galaxy to synchronize all living beings and enables them to voluntarily enter an internal transformation that produces new realities that all human beings have the opportunity to change and break their limitations, receiving a new meaning. "

So often rumor and fear is growing among those who know nothing about Mayan culture. Do you meet in a short time such statements?, Before attempting to answer this question we know something of Maya astronomy, where supposedly the ancient Maya, they found such great revelations.

Astronomers Priests

Maya astronomy was really just a variant of other astronomical traditions in Mesoamerica, the Maya thus focused on the use of the Long Count calendar, so they could perform calculations on large time scales.

The Maya made precise calculations of the synodic periods of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, ie they knew what was his position in the sky to the Sun assessed, the periods of the Moon and Sun and stars like the Pleiades, which they called Tzab-ek.

The Milky Way was central to his cosmology and called Wakah Chan, and related to Xibalba, including K'iche 'of Guatemala still be called Xibalba, or the way to the underworld. They had a Zodiac, based on the ecliptic, which is the path of the sun through the constellations fixed. This is found on Stela 10, Tikal and Xultun 1, both places in Peten, Guatemala and the Grolier Codex.

Mayan astronomical knowledge was typical of the priestly class but all the people respected them and led their lives according to their predictions.

The priests knew the movements of celestial bodies and were able to predict eclipses and the course of the planet Venus. This gave them a special power over the people that thought so closely linked to the deities.

A Venus was called the Maya Ah-Chicuma-Ek ', the star of the morning, and Xux ek, the star wasp. Maya Star says "ek" and is also the surname of many people in the Maya region.

Of the known Maya codices the Dresden is essentially a treatise on astronomy.

Venusians Wars

Venus was the most interesting astronomical object and that the Maya knew him better than any other culture in the world. In Maya cosmology, Venus is the companion of the Sun, this no doubt reflects the fact that Venus is always close to the Sun, coming as the morning star (Ah-Chicuma-Ek ') or as the evening star (Lamat).

The Maya thought it was more important than the sun, their movements were carefully through the seasons, finding that it takes 584 days for Venus and Earth to get to their same positions with respect to the Sun, and takes 2922 days for the Earth, Venus, the Sun and the stars match again.

The Maya made daytime annotations Venus, who had a psychological effect on them, as has been shown to base their wars according to the movements of Venus and Jupiter, as described by the steps of Dos Pilas, in the famous Wars Galaxies between Tikal and Naranjo and his allies.

Human sacrifices, were held to appear Venus after superior conjunction, when Venus is at its lowest brightness because it is furthest from the Sun and Earth, but he feared more of the first heliacal rising (dawn ) after inferior conjunction, ie when it was brighter and are in the midst of the Sun and our planet. In the Dresden Codex of the Maya there is a calendar with the full cycle of Venus.

Mayan Calendar

The Katun is the cycle time long count Maya. Just as the Gregorian calendar has a series of years known as decades, decades, centuries and millennia, long count series of twenty years had called each Katun (hence its name), and also a series of 20 Katunes (400 Tún = 394.3 years), called Baktun.

The Katun was used to record important historical events and to foretell the distant future.

It is known that the Maya number system was vigesimal, so that each Ulinal (month) was 20 kins (days), but closer to 365 days in a year, the Maya instead consider a Tun (year ), was twenty Ulinales conformed to eighteen, thus 20 X 18 = 360 Kines. Like other pre-Columbian calendars, the Mayan calendar is cyclical, it is repeated the account of the same dates and same series of years.

For example: In the Gregorian calendar that governs us the date June 23, 2008 and the twenty-first century are counted only once, but the Mayan calendar is again repeatedly have to restart the corresponding cycle. In the long count, the computation time in the Gregorian calendar begins on 13 August 3114 a. C., and ending on the date, ie December 21, 2012 AD, ending its cycle time and immediately starting a new one.

The end of the world

Like so many other prophecies have predicted the end of the world and failed, this is no exception, if we take into account many of the scientific inaccuracies in the alleged prophecies abound, like the fact of attributing global warming to the Sun, or talk about a light, (do not specify the frequency or region of the electromagnetic spectrum), which synchronizes with the living, made confusing because it is not explained which means exactly that.

The Maya sky as spectators developed a stunningly precise observational astronomy, but in the theoretical side, were not beyond other pre-scientific explanations. To our knowledge humanity if it could disappear, a victim not of some Mayan prophecy, but sadly their own hands and unfortunately there will be a new cycle magic can save us from ourselves.

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